Last Updated:
February 26, 2025

Terms and Conditions

American International Sports Teams, also known as American International Sports Tours Inc. and doing business as AIST, acts only in the capacity as an agent for the owners and contractors providing transportation, hotel, or other services. All tour services, tickets, and vouchers are subject to all terms and conditions provided by the issuer. The acceptance of any service provided as part of the AIST program or of any ticket or voucher shall be deemed to be acceptance of and consent by the program member to these conditions. All services are subject to the laws of the country in which you are traveling. AIST reserves the right to dismiss members of the group at the expense of the member for misconduct and inappropriate behavior.

Changes in Itinerary:

At times there may be circumstances beyond the control of AIST and our suppliers that necessitate revisions of the itinerary. These revisions include tour dates, scheduled games and tours, and any other activity on the itinerary. In the event of changes, we will make every effort to maintain the intent of the original itinerary. Regardless of the cause, AIST shall not be or become liable or responsible in any way whatsoever for loss, injury, or damage due to sickness, weather, strikes, war, quarantine, acts of terrorism and injury during the program events AIST reserves the right to alter any part of the tour it deems necessary or advisable. The additional cost resulting from such change will be paid by the program participant. Items listed as optional are not included in the cost of the trip.

Television, Photography, Media, and Video Rights:

AIST has full Television, Photography, Media, and Video rights in and to any and all of the programs or events affiliated with the program.

Member’s Acceptance:

AIST reserves the right, in its own discretion to decline or accept the approval of any individual as a member of AIST.


AIST will not be liable for misconduct or inappropriate behavior on any tour that results in penalties or fines in other countries. Any penalties or fines that may be implemented will be paid by the member who was charged. Participants will be bound to the laws of the country of which they are traveling. AIST will not be held responsible for activities engaged by participants.

NOT included in the AIST programs (subject to change depending on specific tour):

  • Connecting Airline Ticket to Gateway City (if needed)
  • Passport and Visa Fees (if needed)
  • Vaccinations or other entry requirements
  • Personal Items
  • Some Meals (depending on the tour package - purchased)
  • Airline Fuel Surcharges - This charge could be added about 1 month prior to departure depending on gas prices and the airline
  • Laundry
  • Individual Medical Insurance (Primary)
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips for bus drivers and escorts (In total, you should plan to tip $5 per day – this will be split between drivers and guides on most tours)
  • Everything not listed in the inclusions section on your program
  • Additional Baggage fees if required (1 checked bag up to 50 lbs and 1 carry-on is usually included for international flights on most destinations in Europe)

Note Regarding Fundraising:

Each Team member is responsible for checking the guidelines for raising funds as they pertain to their eligibility with their respective athletic associations. All personal funds raised above and beyond the said trip cost will be refunded in September of the year traveled. All non-personal funds raised above and beyond the said trip cost become the property of AIST and will be used to upgrade the overall trip in some aspect when available. All fundraising eligibility is the responsibility of the participant and should be verified through the appropriate channels to avoid any NCAA violations.

Refunds on Overpayments:

In some cases, participants may find that their fundraising efforts have exceeded their expectations. In the event you have raised more money than your portion of the tour, you will be entitled to some refund. Because of guidelines set forth by governing bodies we are not allowed to refund money to players with remaining eligibility. However, if you have paid in personal money (which includes your money as well as your immediate family investments) we can reimburse you for your investment. For example, if you or your parents have paid the deposit of $300 out of pocket you would be entitled to a refund of up to $300 over the amount of the cost of the said trip. If the trip cost is $1000 and you raise $1300, you would be eligible to receive a refund for your initial deposit of $300. If you raise $1325, the additional $25 would become the property of AIST and be used to upgrade the tour in some aspect. Refunds will be disbursed in September.

Payment Schedule:

After your initial deposit, you will have a payment schedule that will be set up for you to pay or fundraise for the rest of your trip. It is important to remember that approximately 130 days before your departure date we must have enough money in your account to purchase your international airline ticket. If you are below this amount you will risk being dropped from the tour and you will be subject to the cancellation policy. You must be paid in full 60 days prior to departure or you will be subject to the cancellation policy.

WeTravel Processing:

We AIST has partnered with WeTravel for payment processing.  You will be required to provide your preferred payment method at time of registration.  Approximately 3-3.5% processing fees will be applied to Credit card payments.  If you use ACH processing AIST will cover the processing fees for free under the condition you complete all payments.  Should you cancel for any reason there will be a 3-3.5% processing fee applied to your refunds due if any.  To avoid all processing fees payments should be mailed by check to AIST.  

Additional Trip Insurance Available:

We recommend the purchase of travel insurance. With sports, you never know when an injury can occur and your season is lost. More information is available on our website at AIST does not sell travel insurance. You are welcome to research any options available as there are several available to fit your specific travel insurance needs.

Account Statements and Invoices:

A primary email address will be used for sending statements via email for your records. To ensure you are receiving the latest information and updates on tour it is important for us to have an active email account. It is your responsibility to contact us if you are not receiving your statement. Statements will show all activity in your account. Invoices will show specific charges with details about the charge. You can request your invoice or statement at any time by emailing


Uniforms will be mailed out approximately 2-4 weeks prior to your departure date. Make sure we have a shipping address where we can send your uniform. If you order the wrong size uniform, you will be responsible for covering any additional costs for reordering a uniform. Your uniform will not be mailed out unless your account is paid in full. The address we will send the uniform to is the address that appears on your statement. Please note the timing of delivery with your location to ensure you will receive the uniform before departure.


Should you fail to pay for your tour in full at the end of services, you will be subject to a $50 late fee per month until the account is paid in full. Any fees that result from non-payment are the sole responsibility of the traveler on the account.

Cancellation / Refund Policy:

All cancellations must be confirmed bye-mail to AIST at AIST will do their best to eliminate cancellation fees when possible, however, this is dependent upon our suppliers and the timing of your cancellation of the tour.

Airline cancellation fees are not included with the fees below. Additional cancellation fees may apply if you have canceled your tour after airline tickets have been purchased.

·    All payments for summer tours are fully refundable until November 1 of the year prior to your departure. Other tours with winter or spring departures are fully re-fundable until 7 months prior to departure

·    A fee of $500 will be assessed for if you cancel for any reason after November 1 of the year prior to your departure for summer tours - or 7 months prior for winter or spring tours.

·    A fee equal to 50-75% of the total trip cost (land and air) will be assessed for cancellations between 120 and 61 days prior to departure.

·    Cancellations made within 60 days of departure will receive no refund.

·    WeTravel Processing fees are non-refundable

Please consider Travel Insurance to protect your investment.  Sports tours are a unique travel business and we are subject to cancellation fees from our suppliers.  To protect your investment you should consider travel insurance.

Airline tickets:

All airline tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. We must have the correct and legal spelling of the participant’s name as it reads on his or her passport. The accuracy of passport information is the responsibility of each individual participant. Any name changes will incur a change fee of $350.

Waiver Statement:

I recognize that because of the potentially hazardous nature of this activity an injury might be sustained. In the event of such an injury to myself, if my family members or I cannot be contacted, I give my permission to the attending physician to render such treatment as would be normal and agree to pay the usual charges for such treatment. I now release AIST Inc., its employees, volunteers, agents, and assigns from responsibility for any personal injuries to property caused by or having any relation to this activity. I understand that this release applies to any present or future injuries and that it binds my heirs, executors, and administrators. I understand that participants may be videotaped or photographed during this activity. I have read this release and understand all of its terms. I sign voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.

Exchange Rate:

It is not possible for AIST to predict the rate of exchange for each international trip. Therefore, we reserve the right to add a charge if necessary depending on the current rate of exchange at the time of final payment. The charge will only be implemented if the value of the foreign currency increases against the dollar by more than $0.10. If the value of the dollar should fall more than $0.10 one month prior to departure an increase in the cost of the tour may occur. The additional cost will not exceed$150 for any tour.

Unpaid Balances:

AIST will pursue any unpaid balances due for services provided. Any cost incurred for the collection of unpaid balances shall be paid by the client who used the services.

Airline Connections:

If you are part of the group flight with AIST from a gateway destination to your international destination it will be each passenger’s responsibility to meet the group on time for departure. AIST will not be responsible for missed connections or flights. It is recommended that passengers arrive for departures a minimum of 4 hours prior to take off to make their connections. Airlines reserve the right to change flight times and AIST will only be able to provide you with the most current flight schedule. Should airlines change our group flight time it will be your responsibility to amend changes to your arrival times to meet the schedule provided by the airlines. Please do not purchase your connecting ticket until AIST has confirmed the tour will traveling (we will be able to confirm the tour 3-4 months prior to departure).

Drug Policy:

Any passenger caught using illegal drugs on an AIST tour will be removed from the tour at their own expense.

Consumption of Alcohol Policy:

a) U19/High School and Youth Athletes: If you are traveling on an AIST roster as a player you will not be permitted to consume alcohol on tour regardless of the laws of the country in which you are traveling. Acts of violence, bad behavior, or other inappropriate actions toward anyone during an AIST tour will not be tolerated. If you are in violation of this policy, you will be responsible for any fees to be removed from the tour.

b) College Athletes: If you are traveling with an AIST collegiate team as a player AIST will allow you to make adult decisions on your consumption as long as it is within the laws of the country to which you are traveling. If you abuse the privileges and are causing problems on tour, AIST will dismiss you from the tour and you will be responsible for your expenses to return to the USA at that time. Acts of violence, bad behavior, or other inappropriate actions toward anyone during an AIST tour will not be tolerated. If you are in violation of this policy, you will be responsible for any fees to be removed from the tour.

c) Friends and Family: You are welcome to experience the tour at your own pace. However, if you become a problem for the group you will be dismissed from the tour at your own expense. Acts of violence, bad behavior, or other inappropriate actions toward anyone during an AIST tour will not be tolerated. If you are in violation of this policy, you will be responsible for any fees to be removed from the tour.Inappropriate


AIST reserves the right to remove participants from the group that is being disruptive or causing problems for the group. If a coach or AIST staff member feels the participant is behaving in an inappropriate manner they reserve the right to send the participant home at their own expense.

Behavior: (in public)

Abide by the spirit, as well as the letter of all AIST rules. Behavior that is derogatory, threatening, or abusive toward your teammates or opponents will NOT be tolerated. Acknowledge everyone’s strengths and weaknesses including your own. Respect and accept the decisions of your coaching staff. If you intentionally do things to physically, mentally, or emotionally hurt or injure another person on tour, your tour may be canceled and/or you may be sent home immediately at your own expense.

Behavior: (online)

Always be aware that whenever you are online, you are representing yourself, your family, and your team. You may not be aware of it, but people are watching you! (Facebook / Instagram / Twitter) Behavior that is derogatory, threatening, or abusive toward others will NOT be tolerated. If you send text messages, emails, or post a remark or photos, that are obscene and/or mentally or emotionally hurtful toward another person on tour, you will be sent home immediately at your own expense. Do your best to act appropriately at all times. Respect your teammates, as well as the family members and friends that are on tour with us.

Covid19 Policy:

We no longer consider Covid19 a threat to our tours. However, you must use your own judgment to consider joining an AIST tour. We will follow all protocols on tour as instructed by the local communities. It is your responsibility to research your destinations’ rules on vaccination and testing. AIST will not be responsible for any Covid19 related issues. We encourage all passengers to be vaccinated but do respect your choice on this matter. Please check all rules on travel for your destination to ensure you are legal to travel.

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